This past Saturday marked Bear’s 2nd birthday. We decided to do something small because he’s just turning 2. Nothing against those who do big parties for their toddlers, but we’ll probably start doing those once he’s in preschool/child care so he has more friends of his age to play with.
In surprising news, my racist-in-denial in-laws decided they actually want to be grandparents for a change. Yeah, you read that correctly. This will mark Maks’s mother SECOND visit to Bear ever. I honestly refuse to call her his grandmother despite she is. I don’t know. I think a grandmother would actually make an effort to see their only living grandchild since the first one died, but hey…that’s just me.
To be honest, all of Maks’s immediate family are assholes when it comes to Bear, which makes me really not care for them. And I know their upcoming visit is reeking of guilt and overcompensation than it is actual love and support. Closest living relatives he has and yet, my family and friends who live upward to two hours away have seen him more than all of them combined. Just hmm…
Where they do that at?
They’re coming over this Saturday, against our wishes because they have to celebrate Maks’s and Bear’s birthdays, despite Maks telling them we’ll be gone all day. I told Maks I hope they’re bringing food and drinks because I’m not cooking after walking for hours.
So yeah, to make sure no bullshit occurs, the vlog camera will be on the entire visit. People tend to get a case of act right when they know a camera is on them. I doubt there will be any drama. The last time she came over, I barely spoke two words to her and she initiated both conversations. N has a storied history of being negative and instigating a fight when there isn’t one, so I tend to avoid or cut conversations very short when I’m around her.
Anyway, enough being a Negative Nellie. It’s the PMS (or a baby, since I’m 6 DPO) talking. Here are our adventures from celebrating Bear’s birthday this past Saturday: